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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Reminder: Support and resources for writing Narrative CVs

The Narrative CV format (known as the “Résumé for Researchers” by the Royal Society and “Resume for Research and Innovation” - R4RI by UKRI) is increasing in its use in the sector, both for funding proposals and for joining peer review colleges.


The Queen Mary Academy has prepared a suite of training and support for those who need to write Narrative CVs.  Please share the information provided below with interested colleagues.

Dr Anna Price
Head of Researcher Development
Queen Mary Academy


Online resource on Narrative CVs

The Academy has created an online resource on Narrative CVs, which is now live as part of our QMPlus Research Funding Module.  It comprises a summary of written guidance along with a short 10 min video.  

Any researcher can self-enrol on this module and access it when they’re ready.  To access it for the first time, log into QM+ at using your (SSO) Queen Mary username and password. Once you have logged in, open this following link in a new browser tab: and follow the prompts to enrol yourself on to the module.  “CVs (includes Writing Narrative CVs / Résumé for Researchers / R4RI)” is section 8 in the module.  

The rest of the module will be updated in the coming weeks and contains videos and information that will help colleagues find funding opportunities and write competitive proposals, with videos and guidance from the Queen Mary research community on how they were able to get funding.

Synchronous online session on Narrative CVs

We will be running a synchronous online session on Narrative CVs on Fri Sept 22, 10am-1pm as part of International Postdoc Appreciation Week.  Although a part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week programme, the content will be relevant to researchers of any career stage currently writing a narrative CV and all are welcome to join.  The session is available to book on the CPD booking system ( under the course code FEL-QMA-02.

10:00am-10:45am: The first part of this workshop is an information session where we review the various modules and elements of the UKRI R4RI and Royal Society's Resume for Researchers formats.

10:45am-1:00pm: The second part is intended to support colleagues who are currently drafting a Narrative CV. During this time, participants will get more focused support on each module and an opportunity to write on each section. We will close the session with an opportunity to trade narratives with a colleague to get feedback.  

Another programme of synchronous support will run as part of WriteFest (a national campaign focusing on academic writing in all its guises throughout the month of November), with details to follow.

Upcoming support for fellowship applicants  

We are currently redesigning our development offering for postdocs and research fellows to take a ‘cohort approach’ – providing development programmes addressing the support and development needs of specific cohorts as well as developing community within these cohorts.  One key cohort is fellowship applicants.  Narrative CVs will be addressed in the development programme for the fellowship application cohorts (for the calls that require them).  The next cohort of fellowship applicants will begin in October/November.



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