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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

REMINDER: William Harvey Day 2023 - Scientific Poster Competition - Call for abstracts

Please note the deadline of  Thursday 7 September to send your abstract by email (please use format of the MS form – link below) to Carlos


The William Harvey Day is the annual conference showcasing some of the best cutting edge research currently underway at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and our partner NHS Trusts.

As part of the event, there is a scientific poster competition open to all students and early career researcher with 60 entries accepted across various research themes.

The deadline to submit abstracts from the institute to the FMD is on Monday 11 September by midday, therefore we would be grateful if you could submit your abstract using the MS form (link in the communication below) by COP Thursday 7 September. We will then select a shortlist from all the submissions made and submit to the FMD.

Many thanks in advance.

Carlos De Oliveira
Institute Research Manager


William Harvey Day 2023 - Poster Competition: Call for abstracts now open

William Harvey Day is the annual conference showcasing some of the best cutting edge research currently underway at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and our partner NHS Trusts.

As part of the event we organise a scientific poster competition open to all students and early career researcher with 60 entries accepted across various research themes. All posters displayed at the event will be eligible to enter the prize giving competition. 

Posters should fall into one of the following research categories:

  •     Cancer 
  •     Cardiovascular 
  •     Crisis & Resilience 
  •     Digital Health and Data Science 
  •     Environment and Health 
  •     Healthy Ageing 
  •     Inflammation 
  •     Population Health
  •     Scholarship

Submitting an abstract 

All abstract submissions must be made before midday on Monday 11 September. Each institute is given a fixed number of poster entries so you must consult with your institute before making a submission. Once approved by your institute please use the form below to enter your abstract. 

If you have any questions or require assistance please contact

Submit your abstract 



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