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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Request for samples for demo

I am off to see a demo system on 14 September, I am keen to take with me as many samples as possible to test the system to see how well it could work for our users as we are considering it for a replacement for at least one of our confocals.


As I will need to transport these samples while flying, it is not possible to bring live samples, so fixed are needed. But I am looking for standard excitation labels you can work with already in BALM easily, but also for those that have labels you cannot easily image (outside of the standard range or up to 10 labels on the sample), plus thick samples, or samples that you struggle to resolve small details on (neuron and similar I’m looking at you where you have issues with over saturation). Or anyone who is working with/interested in working with gold particles for labelling.

I will need all these samples with me by the latest of the end of day 12 September, and with the sample I will need a sheet saying what the sample is, the excitation ranges, and how small the smallest feature is you need to image. Please upload any you have to the following folder, as this will be key in seeing if the system offers an improvement.

Samples can be on slides, dishes, plates, chambered slides, etc. They just have to be fixed samples. If the sample has to be kept in liquid for transport, I will ensure it is wrapped up like crazy before taking it. And all samples will be taken carry on, not stowed luggage, so I can ensure fair handling.


(via Claire Cox



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