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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Rubbish in LG23/24

Dear Lab users, this is a repeat email regarding rubbish located in LG23/24 that has remained there for another 2 weeks since our last email. 


This rubbish clearly belonged to an individual/ group within the Blizard as someone has moved it from somewhere else (where it was previously located) and on to the floor in this room.

This is a repeated call for the individual(s) to follow procedure and decontaminate the equipment, filling in the attached decon form and attaching it to the waste to be disposed of, then contacting lab management so that we can remove it.

LG23-24 rubbish photo 1LG23-24 rubbish photo 2LG23-24 rubbish photo 3

Declaration of Decontamination Status (fill in) [DOC 50KB]


From: [Shared] Blizard Lab Man
Sent: 20 September 2023 11:49
To: blizard-lab-staff <>
Subject: Rubbish in LG23/24
Importance: High

Dear Lab users,

Someone has placed a plastic box filled with items, along with an old plate reader and some ‘contaminated’ containers on the floor between the lab sinks in LG23/24. This is not how we dispose of unwanted/ old items and WEEE waste.

If you require items such as WEEE waste (electrical waste) to be disposed of then please contact lab management and advise us of what these items are and where they are located. Please also fill in a decontamination form so everyone knows the items are safe for removal. DO NOT leave them in the middle of the floor with a sign saying rubbish.

Can whoever left these items here please contact lab management and follow the correct procedure for removal of unwanted items.

Kind regards,

Lab Management Team 



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