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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Safety Alert: Use of Portable Heaters

Please see message below from Daniel Pyett, Fire Safety Manager, on the use of portable heaters:


Safety Alert: Use of Portable Heaters

Image of melted cable 01     Image of melted cable 02

There was an incident before Christmas where a portable heater was plugged into an extension lead resulting in the extension lead melting.

The melting of the extension lead generated sufficient smoke to activate the smoke detection and scorched the table. The Fire and Rescue Service were called, they attended raising concerns that the heater should not have been plugged into extension lead.

Please can I ask that all staff are reminded that portable heaters must not be plugged into extension leads, portable heaters should only be plugged into a single wall socket.

Daniel Pyett CFPA(EU) Dip MIFireE
Fire Safety Manager



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