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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Secondment Opportunity: Teaching on the Nanchang Joint Programme

Do you fancy a change in your educational responsibilities?  Or a chance to experience transnational education?


This is an opportunity to teach the third year undergraduate course Cell and Developmental Signalling as part of the Nanchang Joint Programme, which teaches pre-medical students. When travel to China is allowed again, this involves giving 40 lectures comprising two approximately 2-week trips out to Nanchang, and a third smaller visit to mark presentations, all staying fully catered in a 4-star hotel in Downtown Nanchang, Currently teaching is online live lectures and tutorials. This is an excellent opportunity for someone interested in increasing their teaching experience and gaining exposure to QMUL’s transnational education programme.  

This secondment opportunity is open to academic colleagues and could start in Spring 2023 or Spring 2024.  The successful applicant would have their overall teaching workload adjusted appropriately.  Colleagues who are interested should discuss with their line manager.

For informal enquiries, email

Kristin M. Braun  BA PhD SFHEA
Professor in Biomedical Education
Blizard Director of Education | Head of Graduate Entry Medicine



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