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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Seminar Series - BSI London Immunology Group

The BSI London Immunology Group invites you to join our new online seminar series.


We are excited to deliver an interactive, journal-club style online series to promote the work from Early Career Researchers within the London area and encourage discussion with other immunologists. 
Authors will be invited to present their published work in a figure-by-figure style and our hope is that this will also become an opportunity to discuss the challenges faced along the way. The publications to be discussed will be uploaded onto Fermat's Library ( and we will distribute the link a week before the talk for attendees to read and annotate with comments and questions before the session.
The meetings will take place fortnightly, on Thursdays at 1pm GMT. They will be held online on zoom so you can attend from anywhere. See below poster for our line-up:

LIG Seminar Series Poster
Our next talk of the series is this coming Thursday 30 March. Emma Touizer from Dr. Laura McCoy's lab will be presenting her work: Follow this link to read the paper and add your comments and questions prior to the session. 
Join us on Zoom following this link: Save the dates for this and the following talks by clicking on the attached ICS link, this way you'll be sure to not miss out!
And for more details and updates, follow us on twitter @London_immuno and @LIG_Seminar
We are very excited to see you there! 
The LIG Seminar Series Team



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