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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Seriously unsafe practices within the lab

It has been brought to our attention that someone has left an open and ¾ full bottle of powered sodium fluoride on the bench in LG24 where all the balances are located.


The lid for this bottle was also nowhere to be found in the local area. By all accounts it has been there since yesterday afternoon/evening some time.

This is completely unacceptable and irresponsible behaviour by the lab user that did this. The bottle contains a clearly visible toxic hazard symbol on the label. The bottle has now been removed from the area and placed safely and securely into the lab man Chemical Waste Storage Cabinet for storage until disposal.

There are guidelines for the storage of chemicals and for the disposal of chemical waste and at the very least, please contact lab management first if you have any questions regarding storage or disposal. DO NOT just leave open hazardous chemicals on a bench top!!



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