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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Share your views on Race Equality at Queen Mary

Help us shape our commitments on race equality! 


I am pleased to announce that Queen Mary’s Race Equality Pulse Survey is now open. You will shortly receive an email inviting you to access the survey. It will land in your inbox today from Queen Mary Surveys via Culture Amp, if you don't receive it please check your junk folder.

Queen Mary seeks to be the most inclusive university of our kind, anywhere, by 2030. We are proud to be an institution that opens the doors of opportunity to anyone with the potential to succeed. For this reason, we are calling on our academic, research and professional services staff to share your experiences of being part of our University through the Race Equality Charter (REC) Pulse Survey. This survey is for all staff, regardless of race or ethnicity and all responses will be completely confidential.  

The learnings from this survey will help us gain insight into where we have made progress in advancing race equality, what barriers staff are facing, how experiences may differ and what we can do to make more improvements in this important area. Collated responses to the survey will inform our five-year institutional action plan to ensure this is a great place to work and study for all staff and students.   

Our survey is open until 9 October so please take some time to share your views and experiences. 

Why is Queen Mary running this survey and why should I complete it?  

Queen Mary is proud to celebrate how diverse our communities are, with over 170 nationalities and 75% of our undergraduate students coming from a Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic background. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where our staff and students from all ethnic and racial backgrounds can thrive. To ensure we are advancing race equality, we are using the AdvanceHE Race Equality Charter, which is a self-assessment framework and evidence-based methodology. An essential part of this process is hearing from our students and staff about your experiences.  

How long does it take to complete?  

The survey takes around ten to fifteen minutes to complete, and you can add any additional comments at the end.  

Any queries about the University’s participation in the AdvanceHE Race Equality Charter or accessing the survey may be directed to Afua Acheampong (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Manager) on

Thank you for sharing your views.  

Dr Philippa Lloyd 
Vice-Principal (Policy and Strategic Partnerships)



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