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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

SMC Monthly Report for Press Officers (December 2023)

The next Introduction to the News Media event will take place in person on Tuesday 5 March at the University of Sheffield (Firth Hall, Firth Court, Western Bank, S10 2TN) 12-5pm with a free lunch from 12-1pm and a drinks reception until 6pm.


Introduction to the News Media is a seminar devised over ten years ago by the Science Media Centre aimed at persuading the best scientists of the case for engaging with the media. We do this through a number of things:

  • A talk from a press officer from the SMC, demonstrating clear examples of the way great researchers engaging with the media improves the quality of science being reported
  • A talk from an institutional science press officer who explains what support is available to scientists wanting to interact with journalists
  • A rare opportunity to listen to and question a panel of national news science journalists about the way they report science, what they need from you and how best to engage with them to get the most accurate coverag
  • A panel of several scientists who have put their toe in the choppy media waters and lived to tell the tale giving you the good, the bad and the ugly of their experiences

It’s a hugely informative, entertaining and popular afternoon. And it’s FREE.
Is it for you?
These free events are designed specifically for scientists with little or no media experience. They are fascinating in themselves, but the greatest benefit will be for scientists who work on issues likely to be in the news but who are either media shy, feel negatively about engaging with journalists or are downright scared that they will get it wrong. We welcome scientists, engineers and medics in academia or industry from any institution (postdoctoral level or professional equivalent and above; senior scientists are particularly welcome).
Please do invite any of your scientists who meet that criteria who you think might be interested, please feel free to pass on this information to them!
Register your interest
Anyone wishing to attend should register interest, please fill in the form here.
Places are limited and we’re looking for scientists and engineers at least some way into their research careers, so we don’t generally allocate places to students.
For any further queries, please email
We’re very grateful for the support in hosting this event from the University of Sheffield, and financial support for this event has also been provided to the Science Media Centre as a grant from Pfizer Ltd.
And finally, as ever do get in touch if there’s any story you’d like to work with us on or if you want a catch up meeting with our team. We’re in the office full time so if you’re ever in the area (Wellcome Collection at 183 Euston Road) and fancy popping in for a coffee and quick chat, just let us know!
Ed Day
Press Officer
020 7611 8321



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