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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Staff survey 2022

The staff survey closed on 27 May. Thank you to everyone who filled it in! 


We received over 3,200 responses, which is 63% of our staff members. Such a response rate provides a platform for us to develop our future action planning, although with over a third of our staff not completing the survey, there is clear room to improve this in the future so that everyone has a voice and to ensure that we are truly inclusive.

We have an external independent survey provider who is working with us over the next few weeks to understand and analyse the results. 

Early in the autumn, faculties and Professional Services directorates will be discussing their results with their staff, exploring with staff what is behind the results, and identifying any actions we can take. 

Similar discussions will happen at University level, and we will then develop plans at three levels: University-wide; faculty/PS directorate; and in individual schools, institutes and departments. These plans will address any issues identified and look for any opportunities that may have been highlighted. 

We will write to you again when we have further information to share on the results and analysis. Thank you again for taking part in the survey.

Sharon Ellis
Chief Operating Officer



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