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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Staff Survey 2023 closes on Friday

Have your say!


FAO: All Institute Staff

Dear All,

The Queen Mary Staff Survey 2023 launched on Thursday 2 May and will close this week on Friday 26 May. You will have received an email with the subject 'Queen Mary Staff Survey  2023 -  your invitation to take part' from If you have any problems accessing the survey, please contact

Only around 40% per cent of FMD staff have completed the survey so far. To truly represent and take action together on the issues that affect our Institute and Faculty, we need as many people as possible to complete the survey. It takes around 15-20 minutes to complete. It is completely anonymous, delivered through Culture Amp, a secure online survey tool that sets clear criteria to ensure we cannot identify an individual’s responses. 

This is your opportunity to be open, honest and tell us what’s working well and what isn’t. Your feedback is vital to helping us continue to make progress and improvements within the Blizard Institute. It’s also a chance for us to review the impact of the work that has been done so far, to address issues that are already in focus, and to see where the attention needs to be turned to next.

You can see some of the ways we have responded to last year's Staff Survey 2022 results in the message below.

Please do take the time to complete the survey and encourage your groups to do the same.

Professor Mary Collins


Have your say before Staff Survey 2023 closes this Friday

By now, you will have seen that Queen Mary’s 2023 Staff Survey is open. Only around 40% per cent of FMD staff have completed the survey so far. To truly represent and take action together on the issues that affect our Faculty, we need as many people as possible to complete the survey. Please do take the time to provide your feedback so together we can make Queen Mary and FMD an even better place to work.
How to take part

Search your inbox for an email with the subject 'Queen Mary Staff Survey  2023 -  your invitation to take part' from 

If you can't find the email please contact 

Staff Survey 2023 closes at 5pm on Friday 26 May.
Tania's Story for how Staff Survey 2022 helped to bring about positive change

Tania Maffucci is a Senior Lecturer in the Blizard Institute in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and is the Institute’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Academic lead. She’s been with Queen Mary for 16 years and her favourite thing about working here is the possibility to train, nurture and inspire students as well as to be part of a multicultural and exciting research environment.  
How we're working together

Following the staff survey, key areas were identified and assigned an action. A staff survey working group was created to collaborate on these actions and monitor the outcome. Some actions that have been implemented already include the reinstatement of a termly staff open meeting, the launch of a new ‘staff zone’ section on our website - where minutes from the Blizard Committees are available to all staff-and the organisation of training sections on topics related to bullying and harassment. I’m looking forward to receiving feedback in this year’s staff survey so that we can continue working together to create the best working environment for everyone.

Why feedback matters

The Blizard Institute is a world-class biomedical research institute that also provides teaching at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Crucially, we have a culture of openness, and staff and students are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas and to give feedback at all levels at any time, including by using anonymous suggestion boxes. 

All Staff Survey 2022 stories 



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