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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Staff survey 2023 is now open: Have your say.

I am pleased to announce that Queen Mary’s staff survey 2023 is now open.


You will shortly receive an email inviting you to access the survey. It will land in your inbox from Queen Mary Surveys via Culture Amp <>.

In May 2022, we held our first staff survey since 2019. The 2022 staff survey provided information which enabled us to review the impact of the work, and to develop a programme to address the issues raised. This programme of work is articulated in the Institutional Staff Survey Action Plan. The action plan was informed by the overall results along with the local action plans developed across the University. Last week, I wrote to all colleagues providing an update of the progress we have made so far against the plan.
I recognise that by launching staff survey 2023 in May there hasn’t been much time to deliver the actions outlined in the Institutional Staff Survey Action Plan, or local action plans. However, I strongly believe it is important that we regularly hear from staff about their experiences, which is why we are committing to a regular rhythm of annual staff surveys going forward. Running the 2023 survey now allows us to get into a cycle of receiving regular feedback we can review, reflect and act upon.

The survey, which launches today, will run until Friday 26 May.  We will share the results within three weeks of the survey closure date.

The survey will be delivered via Culture Amp, a secure online survey tool which sets clear criteria to ensure we cannot identify an individual's responses – see the FAQS for more information. It will take around 15-20 minutes to complete. You can use any device that connects to the internet to do the survey, whether via an emailed link inviting you to take part or by using the QR code you’ll see on posters around campus. We are also working with teams who have less access to computers for their day-to-day work, to ensure they can share their views and we gather as many opinions as possible.

Your feedback is important and will help us continue to make progress and improvements both locally and across the University. This is your opportunity to be open, honest and tell us what’s working well and what isn’t. Please do take part.
If you are research active you will also have received a link to the CEDARS Survey. The CEDARS Survey supports us in taking actions to implement the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers which aims to improve the experience of researchers. Please complete both surveys as they cover different aspects of our researchers’ lives at Queen Mary.

If you have any problems accessing the survey, please contact Please do take part, your views are important and will help us to develop and deliver actions to further improve our experience of working together at Queen Mary.

Dr Sharon Ellis
Chief Operations Officer

If you have any questions or comments about the staff survey, please email



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