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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Submit case studies for Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Research Highway

Deadline: Friday 30 September 2022


FAO: Academics

Following the initial launch in August, the university is looking to commission new case studies to feature within the Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Research Highway.

There will be 10 new case studies per Faculty across the Research Highways, as well as an increase in the number of projects on the global heat map. FMD are keen to focus on diversifying both the research and researchers highlighted as part of the campaign.  

There are three key criteria that the University would like to consider for this. Specifically, they are looking for projects which show:

  • Research expertise with impact
  • Progress through collaboration
  • Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and how this strengthens our research

If you have a case study that you would like considered for inclusion, please complete this short online form, which can be used by academics or RMs to nominate individual research projects.

This form will be used to develop the heat map in the first instance, so the central team are keen to hear about projects with an international impact or where we are engaging with international partners.

Any responses to this form will need to be submitted by 30 September.

Professor William Alazawi MA(Cantab) MB BChir PhD FRCP
Professor of Hepatology
Director of Research


Carlos De Oliveira
Institute Research Manager



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