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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Thank you – Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day

A massive thank you to everyone who donated or contributed to our Christmas Jumper Day last Thursday. The team did a fantastic job of organising the bake sale, and you all helped to raise a lot of money for a great cause.

Blizard Christmas Jumper Day

Between online, text, and cash donations we raised £500.49!

£336.39 was donated via JustGiving, £14 via text, and £150.10 in cash which has been paid in via the Save the Children website.

In 2019 we raised £265.92 so the team set a modest target of £250 this year. We raised double that figure which is fantastic! Also, all donations to Christmas Jumper Day will be doubled by the UK government with 100% matched funding from the UK government going directly towards supporting projects in Kenya, which will increase the quality and availability of essential maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition services in Mandera and Turkana counties.

On behalf of the Blizard Institute, thank you all for your donations and contributions to the bake sale. And well done to everyone involved in organising.

Director's Office, Genomics and Child Health, and Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma organising teams.



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