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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

The Alan Turing Institute Fellowship Call

Following the recent pre-announcement, the Alan Turing Institute have launched the call for the new round of Turing Fellows:


The deadline for applications is 18 September at midday (12.00 BST) and candidates need to apply via the Turing’s Flexi-Grant portal. The call differs from previous iterations of the Turing Fellowships and we encourage you to review the call information carefully.

The call page contains link to the call document and FAQs, which includes further details on what they are looking for and how to apply.  A letter of support from Queen Mary is not required, however you will need to permission from your line manager/Head of School in order to apply.

Current Turing Fellows should have received a separate email from the Turing with instructions regarding this; do let me know if you’ve not received this.

Myself, and Greg are the Turing Liaisons for Queen Mary and can support with any queries you may have regarding applying etc. Please do also let us know if you submit an application.

Emma Grant | Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI) Manager | Alan Turing Liaison
Digital Environment Research Institute | Queen Mary University London
Email: |Web: |



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