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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

The appraisal season is now open

The annual Appraisal season has started and runs until the end of November. 


We should collectively aim at starting the appraisal process as soon as possible, to finalise it well in advance of the November deadline.

Please note: The QM Personal Appraisal and Development scheme does not apply to those with honorary status, and those who have been appraised as part of the joint academic and clinical appraisal scheme, or clinical staff who require revalidation (the online Trust  appraisal system should be used for this purpose).


Appraisal provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the past year and:

  • Celebrate personal and team achievements
  • Consider how you could make things even better
  • Identify any pieces of work that are becoming less of a priority and could be stopped or reduced in scope, to allow time for other developments
  • Plan for the coming year, consider your priorities, and sense-check what is realistic

Career support

Your appraisal conversation is also an opportunity to consider your career journey. The Organisational and Professional Development (OPD) Professional Services Career Development pages provides guides, workshops, a career progression tool (to explore what is expected at our different grades), and case studies. You might also want to consider coaching or mentoring, or explore resources on Linkedin Learning.

Shared objective

This year we have developed a shared objective for all managers to encourage:

  • Supporting career aspirations and development for colleagues including identifying opportunities, and protecting time, to allow all team members to develop their skills
  • Addressing poor performance through setting clear expectations, monitoring and supporting team members

If you are a manager, or have responsibility for line managing other managers, please ensure that the following objective is included as part of your (and their) objectives for the coming year. You can tailor the wording to meet your needs.

  • Provide support for your managers to address poor performance and consider career and development needs for colleagues.
  • Understand the different levels of performance in your team and take action to improve  performance including:
    • Holding people accountable for delivery of objectives
    • Supporting career and development

Some suggestions to evidence achievement of the above include:

  • Reporting on one-to-ones and appraisals undertaken,
  • Reporting on activities undertaken to support the development of each team member e.g., learning completed, guided reflection on work, job shadowing, being or having a mentor, project placement, having an internal coach.

Appraisal support

You will find the login, further guidance including links to e-learning on the Appraisal pages.

Prof Sir Mark Caulfield
VP (Health) 

Dr Francesca Gliubich
Faculty Director of Operations (Interim) 



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