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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

The death of Queen Elizabeth II and what it means for events

Following the incredibly sad news of the passing Queen Elizabeth II, the university has agreed an approach for all of our event activity based on government guidance.

Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II

Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II

Most, if not all, of our event activities can continue as normal between now and the date of the state funeral. The reasons whereby an event may need to be cancelled could include the withdrawal of a speaker i.e., a member of government where business has been suspended, or something which does not lend itself to the context of a nation in mourning, (but in the context of our event activity we do not see anything falling within this remit).

For any events happening during this time-period, we ask event organisers to pay tribute to the Queen by carrying out a one-minute silence. We will be sharing a slide later on today which can be used as part of this silence.

The date of the funeral is likely to be a bank holiday, with Monday 19 September looking to be the most likely date. We expect to receive confirmation of the funeral date shortly and this will be circulated with you as soon as we hear. All activity will need to be cancelled or paused for that 24-hour period. If an event you are running falls within this window then please refer to our guidance on how to cancel an event.

If you require further advice or guidance on any event activity you are running during this time period please do reach out to Beth Prescott, Head of Events and Ceremonies,, to seek further advice.

Many thanks,

Events and Ceremonies Team



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