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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Third-year SBBS supervisors - Exploring careers in life sciences from industry to academia

FAO: Third-year SBBS supervisors


Please see below for information on a series of careers events for third-year SBBS students, hosted by the Blizard Institute in collaboration with SBBS. There are several dates which students can attend, with the first taking place this Wednesday. If you supervise third-year SBBS students, please make sure they are aware of the events and encourage them to attend.

Life Sciences Forum: What's next? Exploring careers in life sciences from industry to academia

Organised by the Blizard Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in collaboration with the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Hear from Queen Mary University of London’s science alumni about different career paths they have taken in the life sciences sector from industry to academia.

Former Biomedical Sciences, Neuroscience, and Biology undergraduates will share their career paths and will answer your questions. Each week there will be a different panel of alumni sharing their personal experience after graduating from Queen Mary University of London. You will also have the chance to hear from former postgraduate students, research assistants and post-doctoral fellows.

A short, very informal, introduction from each panel member will be followed by plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions, and gain tips/advice from the speakers.

There will be different dates which you can choose to attend, starting with:

  •     Wednesday 25 January, 6.00-7.30pm GMT (in this session, speakers will discuss career paths in academia and in industry)
        Register on Eventbrite
  •     Wednesday 1 February, 6.00-7.30pm GMT (in this session, speakers will discuss career paths in industry, in a charity and as a graduate student entering Medical School)
        Register on Eventbrite
  •     Wednesday 8 February, 6.00-7.30pm GMT (in this session, speakers will discuss career paths in academia, in industry and as a graduate student entering Medical School)
        Register on Eventbrite
  •     Wednesday 15 February, 6.00-7.30pm GMT (in this session, speakers will discuss career paths in academia and in industry)
        Register on Eventbrite

More dates will be added soon.

You are encouraged to attend if you are exploring your career options and welcome some insights into alternative careers in the life sciences sector.

Dr Tania Maffucci (Blizard EDI Academic lead) and Dr Joanna Riddoch-Contreras (Deputy Dean of Education: Undergraduate science studies)

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London



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