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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Tomorrow 1pm: Research Exchange Day – A protein perspective

This is a reminder for tomorrow's Research Exchange Day, taking place on Thursday 9 February, 1-6pm. 


Further details below. This will be a hybrid event and the MS Teams link for online attendance can be found below:

Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 393 603 380 101 
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We are pleased to welcome you to the Research Exchange Day at the Blizard jointly organised by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD) and School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences (SBBS). Protein biologists within these faculties will give short talks on different biological questions they are tackling from the perspective of individual proteins to molecular systems. Several core facility managers will present posters on the in-house capabilities and services provided to carry out protein biology work at Queen Mary 
Join us on Thursday 9 February at the Clark-Kennedy Lecture Theatre between 1.00pm and 6.00pm to discover and discuss different biological questions with a protein perspective!
Detailed programme below:

Session     Time slot Title         Presenter
Infection biology 1.00-1.05pm Opening remarks Richard Pickersgill, Head of SBBS
  1.05 – 1.15pm Structural characterisation of the mucin degrading metalloprotease Ssle Vidya Darbari, SBBS
  1.20 – 1.30pm Ribosome Display: A tool for antibody discovery and probing protein-protein interactions Angray Kang, FMD
  1.35 – 1.45pm Structure and Function of the Ubiquitin System in Infection and Immunity Ben Stieglitz, SBBS
Neurobiology 2.00 – 2.10pm Amyloid-beta membrane interactions and Alzheimer’s Disease John Viles, SBBS
  2.15 – 2.20pm G-protein coupled receptors, still drug target number 1 Peter McCormick, FMD
  2.25 – 2.35pm Regulation of Calcium Channels by auxiliary proteins: function and neuronal trafficking  Ivan Kadurin, SBBS
Coffee Break and poster session
Nucleic acid interactions 3:20 – 3.30pm Structural analysis of Nucleoprotein Complexes using Cryo EM Danylo Gorenkin, SBBS
  3.35 – 3.45pm The structure of the human RAD17–RFC clamp loader and 9–1–1 checkpoint clamp bound to a dsDNA–ssDNA junction Mattew Day, SBBS
  3.50 – 4.00pm Regulation of the RNA-bound proteome by oncogenic signalling Faraz Mardakeh, FMD
Macromolecular assemblies 4.15 – 4.25pm Centriole structure/function relationship in health and disease Mark van Breugel, SBBS
  4.30 – 4.40pm Proteome informatics: From Mass spectra to drug discovery? Conrad Bessant, SBBS
  4.45 – 4.55pm Phosphoregulation of biomolecular condensation Sindhuja Sridharan, FMD
  5.00 – 5.05pm Closing remarks Mary Collins, FMD
Drinks, Networking and poster session

This event will be in hybrid mode. We strongly encourage our participants to come in person to interact and foster new collaboration!
Looking forward to the lively discussions!
Sindhuja Sridharan, Vidya Darbari, Richard Pickersgill and Mary Collins



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