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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Transforming Digital Learning MOOC

Sharing a bit of good news for your day. 


Campus Morning Mail is an Australian wide higher education sector news. Our MOOC ‘Transforming Digital Learning’ I did as the Lead Academic, along with my team at Deakin University, back in 2019 took the title again this year – “The Best Online Courses of All Time 2022 edition”. It’s a world-wide ranking of online courses by Classcentral based on 200K global reviews.

Our MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) attracted 28K global learners; formed part of the introductory unit/module ‘Digital Learning, Design and Assessment’ that I designed/developed/taught, also part of the Master/Graduate Certificate of Digital Learning Leadership courses. I was the Program/Course Director for those degree courses. This course was one of the flagship postgraduate courses that introduced the idea of ‘stackable PG courses’ at the time.

Deakin, of course takes the credit, and I consider myself so fortunate to have worked with some of the best leaders and colleagues over the years; my enthusiasm to spread my passion and expertise in the field of digital pedagogy now lie with Queen Mary. Thank you all for the opportunity to work with you into the future.

Professor Chie Adachi, SFHEA
Dean for Digital Education 



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