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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

UK Research Office (UKRO) Annual Visit to QMUL

We are pleased to announce that Dr Branwen Hide, Senior EU Advisor from the UK Research Office (UKRO) in Brussels, will visit Queen Mary on Thursday 6 July 2023 to present 5 workshops on EU research funding with the QM EU pre award team.


Hybrid sessions with Q&A will be at Dept W (room 1.21-22) and via MS teams. Registration required (MS links to follow).

Session 1 (10-11.20am): ‘Introduction to Horizon Europe for research support administrators'


Please circulate to your team colleagues to register – we aim to have a good group in the room (and online) to best make use of Q&A with our UKRO Advisor. (Possible to also register for sessions 3-5)

Sessions 2 to 5 aim at new and experienced academics and researchers wanting to (re)engage with EU research funding and upcoming deadlines:

Session 2 (11.30am -12.30pm): ‘Update on UK participation in Horizon Europe (2021-27)’ for academics and researchers’

Session 3 (1.30pm – 2.30pm): Marie Sklodowska-Curie Post Doc fellowships

Session 4 (2.40pm – 3.40pm) : European Research Council (frontier research)

Session 5 (3.45pm – 4.25pm): Introduction to COST networking action

UK applicants can apply to Horizon Europe, including MSCA postdoc (2023) fellowships, and be evaluated as if an Associated Country. ​UK Govt's priority remains to formalise association to Horizon Europe and supports UK applicants. See MSCA FAQ and UK govt’s Horizon Europe Guarantee funding

Any questions please let me know. Many thanks.

Vicky Byers
Senior EU Partnerships Manager
International R&I Team
Joint Research Management Office
Queen Mary University of London
Research Services | Dept. W | 69-89 Mile End Rd | London | E1 4UJ 
Tel:  +44 (0)207 882 7251 // Web:
Twitter: @EUQmul

QMUL staff see our EU Unit Portal:

EU costing requests online pre-costing questionnaire (PCQ):

For general queries please email the following:



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