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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

UKRI Future Leader Fellowship (FLF) Round 9 - FMD Demand Management Call

The UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (FLF) Round 9 pre-call is now live. 


Like in 2022/23, FMD would like to demand manage EoIs internally before it goes to the QMUL central demand management panel. FMD are planning to put forward 6 EoIs to the QMUL central demand management panel. 

Please note: UKRI has limited this call to 6 applicants across all three faculties in QMUL. 

Details about the call can be found at:

UKRI-CV-and-List-of-Outputs-Template [DOC 31KB]
The scheme aims to:  
•    Develop, retain, attract, and sustain research and innovation talent in the UK 
•    Foster new research and innovation career paths including those at the academic, business, and interdisciplinary boundaries, and facilitate movement of people between sectors 
•    Provide sustained funding and resources for the best early career researchers and innovators  
•    Provide long-term, flexible funding to tackle difficult and novel challenges, and support adventurous, ambitious programmes.  
•    Looking to establish or transition to independence 
•    Developing their own original and ambitious plans with a commercial setting 
Project can last up to 4 years, with the option to apply to renew for a further 3 years.
EOI’s should consist of the following submitted as 1 PDF (Min font 11, Arial) 
To Apply
•    Project Details: include department, project title 
•    Fellow: CV template attached to be completed including the list of outputs (UKRI format Max 3 x A4 pages) 
•    Objectives: list the main objectives of the proposed research (4000 characters including spaces) 
•    Co-Investigators 
•    Project Partners 
•    RC/IUK Relevance: (4000 characters including spaces) 
•    Summary (4000 characters including spaces) - a plain English summary of the research / innovation proposed i.e., in language that can be understood by a non-academic audience. It should explain the context of the research / innovation, its aims and objectives, and its potential applications and benefits  
•    1 A4 side covering: 
Research and Innovation Excellence: evidence of the quality of the research/innovation, its aim and objectives, novelty and feasibility of the proposed project, a robust methodology and appropriate consideration of research and innovation reproducibility, openness, governance, and ethical/social responsibility issues, and can establish or maintain a distinctive and outstanding research/innovation activity. 

Applicant and Development: describe how the Fellow’s career trajectory aligns with the objectives of the FLF scheme, provide evidence that of communicating clearly, having the potential to inspire and lead others, develop new relationships and influence across multiple disciplines and sector, be able to under the research/innovation landscapes at both national and international level and clarity on how their research will contribute to it, have a clear plan to support training and development of fellow and their broader professional development and demonstrate an ability to identify and implement good practice in matters relating to the modern research environment such as Research Integrity, Responsible Research and Innovation, and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 

Impact and Strategic Relevance: this section should explain the importance and potential impact of the research/ innovation for the society/and or the economy, what the potential short and long-term impacts and how significant they are, and are the pathways to achieving this impact well understood, and are the plans for maximising impact proportionate, timely and credible? 
Deadline for EOI’s submission to Faculty Research Manager: 1 March 2024. 
Internal FMD Panel to meet week commencing: 11 March 2024 
Announcement of successful EoIs week commencing: 18 March 2024 
Submission of Full Application to UKRI (if invited): TBC 
If you have any further queries, please contact your relevant Institute Research Manager or Faculty Research Manager. 



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