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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

University of London Gold Medal 2023 - Supporting students for their viva preparation

Please see the message below on behalf of Dr Will Spiring, Head of Final Year at Barts and the London FMD, regarding the upcoming U*oL Gold Medal Vivas.

Should you have any queries or would like any help organising sessions with the students, please contact Year 5 Administrator Tom Schindler (


As you may already know, each year the London medical schools are invited to submit a small number of final year students to compete for the University of London Gold Medal.

This year the vivas will be held on Monday 03 July and hosted in person at UCL. This competition is decided by a series of vivas in six subject areas – Medicine, Surgery, O&G, Pathology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and one of: Paediatrics/Psychiatry/General Practice/Public Health Medicine.

Should you be interested, details on the viva process are attached:

We would like to offer our candidates some revision & practice sessions, ideally from a broad range of contributors. Our candidates this year are,

All five have been notified of their nomination. Please feel free to contact the students directly if you would like to run a session with them or let Tom Schindler ( know if you would like student office help in organising these. 

The students will soon finish their last week of teaching and head into their summer break so will hopefully be available to attend short revision sessions, particularly if you can offer these online via Zoom or MS Teams.

Thank you in advance for your help, I’m sure any support you’re able to offer will help to continue our previous successes.

Dr Will Spiring
Head of Year 5 MBBS
Community Based Medical Education
Senior Clinical Lecturer

I work part time for for QMUL and aim to respond within 24 hours except for Fridays. For urgent matters please use my mobile or MS teams. 




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