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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Unsafe Clinical Waste Practices

Dear Lab users,

This afternoon there was a small clinical waste audit by Health and Safety.


During the inspection it was noted that were multiple clinical waste bins that were overflowing with waste. These were mostly noted in communal use areas such as the histology area in LG23 that had two bins overflowing.

Over filled clinical waste bin 1 imageOver filled clinical waste bin 2 imageUnsafe sharps bin with no lid

We are aware that these communal areas are used by multiple lab users, however, we all need to work together to ensure that the lab environment is safe for everyone to work in. Occasionally this will mean that it falls upon you as a lab user to take a couple of minutes out of your day to empty a bin and replace it with a fresh bag if you have gone to dispose of something and noticed the bin is full. This is especially important in communal areas. (Fresh clinical waste bags and ties can always be found in the lab coat room near the lifts on the west corridor).

Please also remember that clinical waste bags should not be over filled (max weight 5kg), therefore ideally empty bins earlier rather than when overflowing.

There was also a 24 litre sharps bin in use as a general bin/ sharps bin next to one of the cryostats in LG23 which is a highly unsafe practice. Sharps bin should never be used without lids. If you find one without a lid and in use, please report this to lab management and we will transfer the contents to a safe container.

Please bear in mind these things in future.

Kind regards,

Lab Management Team 



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