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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Update from the Chief Operations Officer: publication of institutional staff survey action plan and launch of first all-staff event: register now!


Dear colleague,

I am pleased to tell you that the University staff survey action plan has now been published. It is important that the University-wide action plan builds on and is linked to the local action plans, which are already being delivered across the University to respond to feedback received in the survey. These plans are on Connected.

Our Senior Executive Team has endorsed the action plan and supports its implementation.

Responding to the feedback received in the survey, the institutional action plan includes the following:

  • A programme of events for staff to hear about progress in delivering our University Strategy, in response to feedback that indicated staff would value more information about our Strategy. The first of these all-staff events will be on 20 March at 1.30pm. Our Principal Professor Colin Bailey, Professor Stephanie Marshall (V-P for Education) and Professor Andrew Livingston (V-P for Research) will talk about the delivery of the Strategy and developments in education and research, and will answer any questions staff may have. You can find out more, and how to join the event, on Connected.
  • The above online all-staff events will be complemented by the ongoing programme of visits from Senior Executive Team members to schools, institutes and Professional Services directorates, which provide an opportunity for face-to-face discussion.
  • We will start a programme to work to gain a stronger understanding of how managers/leaders could be better supported to enhance performance and address poor performance.
  • We will consult with staff to explore how they would like to see their contribution recognised and rewarded by holding focus group sessions.
  • We will commit to running staff surveys annually, and will ensure that the external and internal process allows us to share the results of future staff surveys within three weeks of the survey closure date.

Staff Surveys provide us with an invaluable opportunity to learn from colleagues and understand their experience of working at Queen Mary. We will run the next staff survey in May 2023, and will run the surveys annually thereafter.

We recognise that running the next survey in May means that we may not have had time to deliver all the actions outlined in the institutional staff survey action plan and the local action plans, but it is important that we hear regularly from staff about their experience. We will be supporting faculties, schools and directorates in delivering their action plans as efficiently as possible over the coming months, and I will continue to provide you with updates about progress.

Looking ahead to the next survey, we are also focusing on a number of interventions with the aim of increasing the response rate.

The action plan presents a range of opportunities for staff to get involved in this important work, to provide further feedback and help us address the issues raised. I would like to encourage you to engage with these opportunities and help us enhance the experiences of colleagues across the Queen Mary community.

Best wishes,


Sharon Ellis
Chief Operations Officer and Chair of the University Staff Survey Steering Group



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