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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Update on Beg Bugs - Ground Floor Abernethy

Pest Control has been for an inspection and have found evidence of potential active bed bugs in the Genes & Health premises.


An urgent request for treatment spray of all Genes & Health areas including the reception area has been logged. As this is an external company it might take up to five days and the area will not be accessible for another 24-36 hours post treatment.

Genes & Health premises within the ground floor of the Abernethy will remain off limits for infection control reasons until Friday 20 October. We will update you should this timeline change.

In the meantime, can I please ask you to communicate to your team and students to avoid the reception area until further notice.

Your co-operation and understanding are much appreciated in dealing with this situation.

If anyone has a bite incident onsite please report on MySafety, seek first aid and medical assistance as required.



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