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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Update on NWOW: move to villages, lockers and meeting rooms

As part of the ongoing NWOW project works, we will communicate regular updates highlighting progress to date and any works planned over the next few weeks.


Move to villages
The move to the new villages will take place on Monday 15 January.
IT will be on-site to offer support where needed. In preparation for the move please ensure personal belongings are boxed up and streamlined as much as possible, your current desk is left clean, and overhead locker is emptied with the key left in it. 
The move will take place in 2 phases:
1 – Immunobiology, CBCR, Dentistry, Genome Centre, GCH and NST will complete the move to their new villages, and vacate space that isn’t within their village, between 10am and 12pm.
2 – Once the space is clear, Centre of the Cell, Lab management and the Director’s office will move to their villages during the afternoon.
Space Connect 
Space connect will be available to book desks from next week and separate comms will be sent later today to staff and students who use the open plan space.
All the new lockers are now in place however they all need to be fitted with new locks which unfortunately isn’t scheduled to happen until the end of the month.
Please do not use a locker until instructions on how to set the combination have been circulated.
If you need temporary storage for anything valuable, please speak to your centre manager about possible options.
East meeting rooms
The 8 meeting rooms along the east corridor are almost ready and the new furniture is in place. The reserva pads need to be connected by IT and following this, instructions on how to book the rooms will be circulated.
If you have any questions regarding the upcoming works, please contact me at
Kind regards,



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