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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Update on NWOW, progress and upcoming works

As part of the ongoing NWOW project works, we will communicate regular updates highlighting progress to date and any works planned over the next few weeks.


Tea points
Work on the ground floor north kitchen is complete. Work is currently underway on the ground floor south kitchen and this is due to be completed by Tuesday 28 November.
Work on the first floor kitchens will begin on Wednesday 29 November.
All the new lockers are now in place. Lockers will be numbered and allocated shortly.
Some lockers do not currently have locks and we hope these will be fitted by 12 December.
First floor desks
A number of desks on the first floor have been removed. Where necessary, these areas will be recarpeted over the weekend, before the new sofas and Wendy houses are installed in mid-late December.
Meeting rooms
From Monday 27 November, work will start on five of the East meeting rooms. We expect these rooms to be handed back to us, complete with new AV, by 15 December.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience during these works. Also special thanks to all those affected by the removal of desks on the first floor and to the centre managers, centre administrators, and Sam Matthew, for all their extra work over the past few weeks helping to ensure things continue to run smoothly.
If you have any questions regarding the upcoming works, please contact me at



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