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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Updated Travel and Expenses Policy - approved by Council 23 March 2023

The QMUL expenses policy sets out the rules for claiming and incurring travel, accommodation, subsistence and other expenses, for all staff of the University.


As you may be aware we have been updating the QMUL expenses policy, following a consultation exercise earlier this year where we asked for feedback from staff on the policy.

The updated policy has now been approved by all of the relevant committees, and by Council on 23 March and is in the process of being published on the ARCS Policy Zone webpages Please note that the policy will apply for all claims dated 24 March onwards and will not be applied retrospectively for claims before this date.

The policy was updated throughout, taking on board the feedback given, and with an aim of improving the clarity and specificity of the document for the benefit of all staff. Some notable points which have been reviewed and updated in the policy include:

  • Monetary limits have been reviewed to reflect recent levels of inflation
  • The policy clarifies that wherever possible staff should look to use QMUL in house services rather than external providers
  • The policy has been expanded to underline the importance of considering sustainability issues when travelling on university business
  • The £15 per head limit for annual events has been increased to £25

We would like to thank all staff who contributed to the consultation process, there are many other points besides those summarised above which helped to shape other changes within the policy document:

We’d be grateful for your assistance of raising awareness by disseminating this message across your respective Directorates/Schools/Institutes.

Janice Trounson
Deputy Director of Finance, Financial Controls & Systems
Finance Department

Thomas Skeen, CPFA
Director of Finance



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