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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry


QM BHF MRes Project call 2022


The second cohort of the QMUL British Heart Foundation 4 year MRes/PhD scheme have started and are now settled in. Accordingly, the MRes course in Cardiac & Vascular Medicine is underway. We have 4 students enrolled three funded by the BHF and the fourth matched funded by QMUL. All of these students have confirmed full funding to continue after the MRes to study for a PhD with us.

We are now inviting you to submit a single A4 page proposal for the MRes project only (text should be no smaller than 11 point and in Arial font). The projects will run from the beginning of January to mid-August. The students will choose two projects during this period with their time evenly split over the 8 months available. There are consumables funds for the students of £1500.

Further details on the project specifications and how to apply are incorporated in the attached call:

The deadline for submission is 5:00pm Friday 14th October. Please send your project proposal electronically to me (

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to receiving your project proposals.

Professor Amrita Ahluwalia, QMUL BHF MRes/PhD Programme Lead



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