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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Venue Update: Blizard new starters welcome lunch

Welcome event and light lunch for new staff and PhD students


Date: Thu, 24 November 2022, 12:30 – 2:00pm

Venue: Large Cloud, Blizard Institute

Register via Eventbrite:

As a relatively new member of staff or PhD student, we'd like to take this opportunity to officially welcome you to the Blizard Institute. To give you the chance to meet other new colleagues and key members of staff, the Director’s Office invites you to the next Blizard welcome event and light lunch for new staff and PhD students taking place on Thursday 24 November, 12.30-2.00pm. The venue is Large Cloud, Blizard Institute.

Key members of staff will introduce themselves and provide information on their role, particularly how they can help. In attendance will be Institute Director Mary Collins, Institute Manager Natalie McCloskey, Deputy Institute Manager Rachael Parker, Director of Research Will Alazawi, Director of Graduate Studies Kenny Linton, Institute Research Manager Carlos De Oliveira, Director of Education Kristin Braun, Director of Academic Development and Deputy Director of Education Jurgen Groet, Institute Education Manager Nawaz Ahmed, Principal Laboratory Manager Claire Cox and Digital Communications and Marketing Manager David Bell. This will be followed by a light lunch.

Please note that due to personal schedules, some members of Director's Office staff may not be able to attend.

Please register as soon as possible to confirm your place – preferably by Tuesday 15 November. This is so we can order the light lunch to be provided on the day.

We are looking forward to meeting with you.

Best wishes,

Director’s Office
Blizard Institute



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