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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

WIPH Research Seminar Series: Prof Julius Sim, School of Medicine and the Clinical Trials Unit Keele

We are very pleased to invite you to join the WIPH Research Seminar taking place on MS Teams 


Prof Julius Sim, Professor of Health Care Research in the School of Medicine and the Clinical Trials Unit at Keele University will present “Synthesis of qualitative research: problems of context”.

Date: Tuesday 15 November, 12:15 – 1:00pm. 

Title: 'Synthesis of qualitative research: problems of context'

This talk will outline different approaches to the synthesis of qualitative research (metasynthesis) and will discuss issues that they give rise to in relation to both the empirical and the theoretical context of primary studies.

Julius Sim is Professor of Health Care Research in the School of Medicine and the Clinical Trials Unit at Keele University. His principal interests are in research methodology and research ethics.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Tor (Victoria) Kemp PhD
Research Manager
Director’s Office
Wolfson Institute of Population Health



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