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Illustrated Lecture: Cinematic Guerrillas "Propaganda, Projectionists, and Audiences in Socialist China" Featuring: Professor Jie Li (Harvard) and Dr Kiki Tianqi Yu (Queen Mary)

When: Friday, November 29, 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: BLOC Cinema, ArtsOne Building, Mile End

Speaker: Jie Li, Kiki Tianqi Yu

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Featuring: Jie Li, Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University and Dr. Kiki Tianqi Yu, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies at Queen Mary University of London.

Lecture Overview:

How can cinema ignite a revolution and mobilize the masses? In socialist China, this question found its answer as the country’s film exhibition network expanded from fewer than six hundred movie theaters to more than a hundred thousand mobile film projectionist teams. These cinematic guerrillas—armed with projectors, power generators, loudspeakers, slideshows, and more—brought the silver screen to the most remote corners of the country, transforming rudimentary open-air spaces into theaters of revolutionary fervor.

In her groundbreaking book, Cinematic Guerrillas: Propaganda, Projectionists, and Audiences in Socialist China, Jie Li offers a riveting media history of this phenomenon, delving into the intricate networks and environments that defined Chinese film exhibition and reception from the 1940s to the 1980s. Through extensive archival research, personal memoirs, interviews, and ethnographic fieldwork, Li uncovers the deep interconnections between cinema, ideology, and popular participation during this transformative period.

Following the lecture, Jie Li will be joined by Dr. Kiki Tianqi Yu, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies at Queen Mary University of London. Dr. Yu is a distinguished scholar and filmmaker with expertise in Chinese cinema, documentary practices, and visual culture. Together, they will engage in a dynamic conversation exploring the broader implications of Li’s research, the intersections of film and ideology, and the ongoing influence of cinema on society.

About the Speakers:

Jie Li is a distinguished professor of East Asian languages and civilizations at Harvard University. Her scholarly work has garnered widespread acclaim, with her research focusing on the cultural history of socialist China. Li's previous publications include Shanghai Homes: Palimpsests of Private Life (2014), Red Legacies in China: Cultural Afterlives of the Communist Revolution (2016), and Utopian Ruins: A Memorial Museum of the Mao Era (2020).

Kiki Tianqi Yu is a distinguished scholar and filmmaker with expertise in Chinese cinema, documentary practices, and visual culture. Together, they will engage in a dynamic conversation exploring the broader implications of Li’s research, the intersections of film and ideology, and the ongoing influence of cinema on society.

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