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Season Two of Surviving Society Presents: Material Crimes

When: Monday, September 30, 2024, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: BLOC Cinema, QMUL ArtsOne, Mile End

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Season 2 of Surviving Society Presents: Material Crimes is finally here!

This season takes the investigation we began in Season 1 to new places and to new crimes.

Across the new season, our incredible episode hosts put all kinds of infrastructure under the microscope, showing how infrastructural crimes are committed in unexpected places: in suburbia, in an abandoned building, in the welfare system, on the banks of a river.

But where there is infrastructural injustice, there is also resistance and solidarity: along the border, in the courts and on the streets.

To celebrate the new series' arrival, we are putting the amazing authors and activists behind this series in conversation with series producers Maia Holtermann Entwistle, Chantelle Lewis and Sharri Plonski. We'll hear from:

  • Nicky Falkof (scholar of race and cities, Wits University South Africa)
  • Paul Gilbert (lecturer in international development, University of Sussex)
  • Tumu Johnson (Sisters of Frida, London)
  • Khelef Khalifa (Muslims for Human Rights, Kenya)
  • Claire Lauterbach (independent investigative journalist)
  • China Mills (Healing Justice London)
  • Bene Zocchi (indepedent researcher on migration)

But this series isn't just about talking, it's also about listening! Throughout the evening's discussions we'll also hear clips from across Season Two.

This part of the evening will last approximately 1.5 hours. It will be followed by an art installation of Frederick Kannemeyer's collages for the series in BLOC's white box, and a drinks reception.

We hope this night will be more than just a showcase of our new series - it will be an opportunity to learn from each other and build links between activists, scholars and story-tellers from different places and struggles.

About the podcast

How can infrastructure be criminal? How does a mine, a gas field, a suburban neighbourhood or a dam become a perpetrator of violence and insecurity? Material Crimes answers these questions. Each episode investigates a different piece of infrastructure, tracing its global, colonial connections across time and space. The series shows us how the physical sites of everyday life are linked to networks of private and public actors who profit from violence inflicted on spaces and communities on the margins. The series also shines a spotlight on the people-powered movements exposing and challenging the many crimes of infrastructure.

Sound mixing and design by award-winning audio producer George “Adders” Ofori-Addo.

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