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Careers and Enterprise

What are micro internships?

Our Micro-Internship programme connects employers with a Queen Mary University of London intern, who will commit 40 hours of their time to a designated project.

What are Micro Internships?

The Micro Internship programme connects  participating employers with their own Queen Mary University of London intern, who will work on a designated project for a total of 40 hours. Project themes are set by the employer and relate to real business needs, enabling genuine benefit and insight to be gained by the organisation, while boosting the intern’s employability.

Micro Internships are completed on a part-time basis over a five week period. This programme runs twice a year in both spring and summer.

What projects might students get involved with? 

Micro Internship projects are designed by the employer, ensuring they are of real benefit to the organisation. Projects can be stand-alone proposals that can be completed in 40 hours, or they can fit into an existing, larger piece of work.

Previous Micro Internship projects have focussed on themes such as: 

  • Data collection, analysis and presentation
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Financial analysis
  • Data science
  • Competitor analysis and data presentation
  • Charity impact analysis and report writing
  • Business and marketing analysis
  • New business development/relationship building

How to get involved

Internship project submissions are currently open and will be closing towards early May.

To register your organisation on our system and to submit your micro internship project online please visit our Target Connect page. When submitting your project, please ensure it is added as a ‘Placement’ and not an ‘Opportunity’.

For further guidance on the registration process, take a look at our Guide to Submitting a Micro-Internship Programme Proposal [PDF 11,022KB]

Key Dates

Spring Dates Summer Dates  

2nd December 2024

1st May 2025

Deadline for employer project submissions

29th January 2025

5th June 2025

All applications sent to host employers

12th February  2025

25th June 2025 Deadline for hosts to provide names of chosen interns 

w/c 3rd March 2025

w/c 14th July 2025

Micro-internships begin this week

w/c 31st March 2025

w/c 11th August 2025

Micro internships end this week


Terms and Conditions

Take a look at our terms and conditions for taking part in the programme.

Terms and Conditions

Get in touch with us

Email us with any questions you have about the programme

Email us
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