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Careers and Enterprise

Apply to QIncubator as Entrepreneur

Are you starting or thinking about starting your own business?

QIncubator (Entrepreneur) applications are now open!

Applications will close on 29th September

Apply here

Acquire high-level entrepreneurial skills

This entrepreneur-led, 8-week programme combines enterprise training, expert coaching and peer-learning to accelerate success.

About the programme

Knowing where to start can be daunting, which is why this programme will help you define your ambitions, set goals and get you going. 

QIncubator supports you with the development of your business idea and startup.

The programme is designed to help entrepreneurs build viable and sustainable businesses, focusing on identifying problems and assumptions, testing these assumptions, and iterating the business based on the findings. 

Following completion of the programme, you can apply for one of our funding awards: Try It (£500), Grow It and Launch It (up to £3,000) or Build It (£10,000). You can find more information on each on our funding page.



Programme structure 

  • Week 1: Introduction, Design Thinking and Business Overview Canvas 
  • Week 2: Identifying Problem, Customer Development and Building Personas 
  • Week 3: Product/Market Fit, Risks and Competitors 
  • Week 4: Business Model, Pricing and Financial Forecasting 
  • Week 5: Pilot/MVP, Development Options and Team Building 
  • Week 6: Marketing Strategy and Go to Market Launch  
  • Week 7: Building Product Roadmaps and Determining The Ask 


Please note: this may be subject to change 

Dates: 9th October - 27th November, 6:30 - 8:30pm @ QMUL

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