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Careers and Enterprise

Visa information

Find out who can help you when it comes to visa-related issues by clicking through our sections below.

Can the Careers and Enterprise team give me visa advice?

Our team of Student Employability Advisers and Careers Consultants are not qualified to provide expert visa or immigration advice. We can help you with job hunting, interview preparation, applications and careers guidance but for visa and immigration support please go to Advice and Counselling . You can watch their webinars, listen to podcasts, and find full information and signposting there.

Further information about visas can be found on the UKCISA website, as shown below.  - helpline link for visa questions. - full breakdown of working after studies for international students. Options, opportunities and sectors to consider.


When to apply for the Graduate Route Visa?

A diagram explaining the graduate route visa step by step in four boxes

Our team of Student Employability Advisers and Careers Consultants are not qualified to provide expert visa or immigration advice. We can help you with job hunting, interview preparation, applications and careers guidance but for visa and immigration support please go to Advice and Counselling . You can watch their webinars, listen to podcasts, and find full information and signposting there.

Further information about visas can be found on the UKCISA website, as shown below.  - helpline link for visa questions. - full breakdown of working after studies for international students. Options, opportunities and sectors to consider.


More information on the Graduate Visa can be found here.

A diagram explaining the graduate route visa step by step in four boxes

Specialist Immigration Advice here:

Start-up visa:

Skilled Worker visa:

Higher Potential Individual (HPI) visa:

All current visa information is updated and maintained by the Advice and Counselling specialist team here.

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