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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Jelena Surčulija Milojević

Jelena Surčulija Milojević (Computer and Communications Law, LLM 2005) explains why she decided to help create and join the Central and Eastern Europe Chapter Committee. 


Why did you decide to get involved with the CCLS Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Chapter?

CCLS played a pivotal role in both my personal and professional life! I still implement (constantly upgraded) knowledge gained at CCLS –for a good cause. The grouping of courses at CCLS was not available at other universities at the time and I was really lucky to be part of it, as a Chevening Scholar. The team of professors and lecturers are still one of the kind. Some of my best friends (including my maid of honour) are CCLS alumni from around the world and two decades later - we are still in close contact!

What do you think the importance of CEE Chapter is?

The CEE Chapter is important to expand regional cooperation between like-minded professionals with similar backgrounds and values. It will lead to new and/or enriched cooperation between companies, attorneys and academia. We should, as a group, use our unique know-how and CCLS alumni network to improve the legislation and its implementation in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. And finally, we can help prospective students to become our future colleagues.

How do you hope the Chapter will benefit alumni who join?

Apart from the chapter being a platform for networking and cooperation, it will help us support each other in various legal cases, scientific and professional projects, organization of alumni and expert activities and events. I am happy that we have a chance to develop a virtual place, where we can regularly meet up and exchange information and ideas.

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