On 15th December the CCLS China Chapter held a webinar titled "How to deal with climate change in the trade sphere" presented by Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas (CCLS).
This is what Simon Gao (Law and Finance MSc, 2014) and CCLS China Chapter Committee member said about the event: "Today's webinar went very well. The Q&A session was very productive. And we received very positive feedbacks from our alumni in the WeChat group and private chats. Some people who couldn't attend the live session asked for the video recording link already. Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas is a super star! Thank you very much for preparing and organising this event!"
"I'm very interested in your climate club idea, and just ordered via Waterstones your new book: Climate Clubs for a Sustainable Future. I look forward to learning more from you when we meet in person in London. May I ask if I can have your autograph on the book as well?" - e-mailed one of the attending alumni students to Professor Leal-Arcas.
The recording of the event is now available.