When: Monday, December 19, 2022, 8:30 PM - 10:00 PMWhere: Amber Athens, Kolokotroni 38-40, Leocharous &, Athina 105 62
Members of the CCLS Greece Alumni Chapter is hosted Christmas Drinks for our alumni based in Greece.
Committee member Byron Vogiatzis said ‘the people that attended the drinks had the chance to reminisce about their time at Queen Mary University and share experiences. We also discussed what should be our next steps to grow the Chapter.’
Committee member Lydia Gavriilidou shared that ‘We had a lot of fun and got to meet each other again after some time!'
Thank you to those who attended the pre-Christmas drinks. The committee will be meeting again at the end of January to discuss future activities. Please can all alumni share with other alumni whom you are in contact with and encourage them to join the Chapter by inviting them to the Greek Chapter LinkedIn group.