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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

New France Alumni Chapter

Professor Jonathan Griffiths, Director of CCLS in Paris, Talks About New France Alumni Chapter


photo of Jonathan GrifithThe creation of the France Chapter for alumni is an exciting development and marks the start of a more coordinated approach to keeping in touch with our former students – both those who studied on the LLM in Paris and those who followed Programmes in London or by distance learning, but now work in France. Whether at our public events or at more informal drinks, I have really enjoyed meeting our alumni. They are an impressively diverse and dynamic group of people who clearly hold their experience of studying with us in high regard. In particular, they value the high level of personal attention and the quality of teaching they experienced with us.
It has been great to learn what our former students are doing now and to see how they have built on their experiences of studying with us. They remain keen to stay in touch with each other and with those who taught them, as well as to make new contacts in France. I am also very grateful to those alumni who have agreed to support our current and prospective students.   The LLM in Paris recruits many students through word-of-mouth and we really appreciate our alumni’s willingness to recommend us to others.
Our students find themselves in extraordinary circumstances at the moment. I am continually impressed by the resilience and adaptability of our students, as teaching and support continue online. We are currently planning the upcoming year for the LLM in Paris. As is the case everywhere, constraints imposed by the global Covid-19 crisis are bound to affect the delivery of our programme.  We aim to provide a “blended” experience for students, with a combination of online and face-to-face teaching wherever possible. The small and friendly character of the team running the Paris LLM and Double LLM programmes and CCLS’s experience of, and expertise in, online and blended delivery put us in a very good position to continue to provide the excellent postgraduate education in commercial law that has been so valued by our alumni.

You can find out more and join the France Chapter, as well as the LinkedIn Group on our CCLS France Chapter page.



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