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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

CCLS Alumna won the British Council Alumni UK 2024 Photo Competition

Sarah M. Abulkassem (Human Rights Law LLM, 2022): A Journey of Excellence in Law and Photography.


Sarah M. Abulkassem (Human Rights Law LLM, 2022) won the prestigious British Council Alumni UK 2024 photo Competition in the ‘Culture, Creativity, and Innovation’ category for capturing a beautiful shot during the celebration of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee in London. From over 1,645 photos submitted from 75 countries worldwide, her photo distinctly stood out.

In describing her feelings, Sarah said: “What moved me was the realization that this aesthetic floral display was not random; it told a powerful story of determination and the remarkable journey of a Queen who has left an indelible mark on history”. You can view her captivating photo and delve into her emotions through this link.

Beyond photography, Sarah’s legal prowess shines brightly. Armed with three master’s degrees in Law, she consistently graduated with a distinction. As a senior State Counsellor at the Foreign Disputes and International Cooperation Department of the Egyptian State Lawsuits Authority (Egyptian Ministry of Justice), Sarah navigates complex international commercial and investment arbitration cases. Her representation of the Arab Republic of Egypt before renowned forums—including the ICSID, ICC, PCA, and CRCICA—demonstrates her extensive expertise in preparing pleadings, conducting document production, examining witnesses, and presenting oral arguments. Her legal research spans domestic, regional, and international law. She is a multifaceted expert with expertise in international law, international human rights law, and climate change, and an SDG Ambassador & Certified Trainer advocating for sustainable development.

Since her graduation, Sarah has ceaselessly enriched her academic journey. Notably, she authored an insightful article titled ‘The MFN Clause under the OIC Agreement: Analysis of Itisaluna Iraq LLC and Others v Republic of Iraq’ (published in Queen Mary Law Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023). In this piece, she dissected the nuanced debate surrounding the scope of the Most Favored Nation Clause (MFN), particularly examining the controversial dichotomy of its application to procedural matters and depicting the common principles of interpretation that play a pivotal role in shaping its interpretation. Her analysis of the unique award in Itisaluna Iraq LLC v the Republic of Iraq sheds light on the interpretation of the MFN clause under the Organization of Islamic Co-operation Agreement (OIC). You can read the full article here.

Additionally, her first dissertation, written during her LL.M in International and Comparative Law at the American University in Cairo, conceptualizes the political and procedural critiques of the ISDS system, titled ‘Contesting the Injustice of a Global Regime: Ideological Bias in Investment Treaty Arbitration’. It was published by the AUC Knowledge Fountain and is accessible at

Sarah's unwavering commitment to legal progress is a beacon in the field of international arbitration. With her dedication to legal advancement, she was awarded a scholarship to become a visiting scholar at the University of California Davis, School of Law, where she advanced her interdisciplinary expertise and conducted a thorough research paper on foreign investors’ obligations to human rights under international investment law. She is currently working on publishing her QMUL dissertation.

Sarah can be reached at or via her LinkedIn at



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