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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

International conference on “Shaping Climate Law: Dynamic Roles of State and Non-State Actors”

CCLS Alumna, Chiara Treglia speaks at international climate change conference in Prague.


Chiara Treglia (Commercial and Corporate Law LLM, 2023) who is a qualified lawyer in Italy and is currently pursuing a PhD in Law and Business at Luiss Guido Carli (Rome), recently joined the International conference on “Shaping Climate Law: Dynamic Roles of State and Non-State Actors”, organised by the Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies (CLASS) in Prague.

The event, meticulously organised and intellectually stimulating, provided attending PhD students, academics and researchers with the invaluable opportunity of exchanging ideas and opinions on the role played by businesses, citizens and State actors in the ongoing process of shaping climate law, by presenting the respective projects.

In particular, Chiara’s research project focuses on the pivotal role played by the advent of green finance in the net-zero transition, alongside with analysing how to “institutionalise” green finance. In fact, the last-mentioned phenomenon was born in the private sector. However, its inclusion in State actors’ mandate, so to merge private and public forces, is deemed to represents a crucial step for the effective shaping of climate law.

This is what Chiara said about the Conference on her recent LinkedIn post: “It goes without saying that the topics tackled have been of extreme relevance, especially in light of the recent (advent and) spread of environmental, social and governance considerations in the Commercial and Economic law areas. The debate, with my co-panelists Lucie Josková, Temitope Onifade and Veera Pekkarinen, and with all other Ph.D. Students, Researchers and Professors, has really been intellectually stimulating. Alongside with the wonderful venue and the meticulous organisation of the conference, I particularly appreciated the friendly atmosphere, which allowed to continue the discussion even after the conference, in the charming city of Prague, while enjoying a lovely dinner.”



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