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Keerthi Krishna Reddy (2019)

Keerthi Krishna Reddy graduated from the Criminal Justice LLM in 2019, and now works as a Research Assistant (Clerkship) to a Judge at the High Court of Karnataka.


Why did you choose to study at CCLS?

I chose to pursue my LLM at CCLS because it’s one of the UK’s leading research universities and ranked top 30 in the world. CCLS was my first choice because of its curriculum - the options in choosing my modules were wide. I also preferred the mode of examination as compared to other universities, CCLS has uniquely practical applications in real life. 

What is your favourite memory of being a CCLS student?

Time spent learning, and exploring not just by myself, but with my fellow students at CCLS. During the course, I met students from all over the world who brought with them diversity and so much to offer at the table for learning.

What does being a member of the CCLS community mean to you?

Being a CCLS alumna speaks for itself. Its teachers are renowned in their fields are across the globe. I am proud to be a part of such an institution, and happy to help prospective candidates pursue their careers. 

How did your CCLS experience contribute to your career?

A master’s degree from Queen Mary University of London was an important milestone in my career. In terms of overall exposure and learning, CCLS has incredible diversity, and many people from different disciplines which led to great discussions. CCLS also helped in improving my research and writing skills which I now use daily at work. It provided me with  practical knowledge, and taught me the importance of networking. 

Why do you think prospective students should study at CCLS?

For a variety of reasons, including: the option to study -part-time or full-time, the quality of research and teaching and the opportunity to build skills and knowledge. I also think that an international experience should be part of your education. 

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