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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Linus Chu (2022)

Linus furthered his studies at Queen Mary University with a LLM Environmental Law after his undergraduate course and enjoyed being a member of the CCLS community where he was surrounded by many bright and aspiring legal practitioners and professors who are well known in their field:

Linus Chu

Why did you choose to study at CCLS?

Shortly after I successfully completed a MSc in Environmental Technology, I realised I wanted to specialise in environmental and energy law. My interest in IP law also grew around the same time, especially concerning IP's connection with green technologies - something I specialised in my previous MSc. Having studied a B.A in International Relations at QMUL and having heard so much about CCLS since my undergraduate studies, CCLS seemed to be a natural choice.

What is your favorite memory of being a CCLS student?

As a result of being a postgraduate student at CCLS, I have experienced a lot of fantastic moments. One of the most memorable ones, I would say, is when I was invited by Professor Uma Suthersanen to moderate one of her Global IP Law lectures. As the presenter was one of Professor Sutheranen’s PhD students who specialises in IP and Green Technologies, I was the right person to moderate the lecture as I had previous experience in this field. I really enjoyed listening to what the presenter had to say, alongside being able to chip in some information here and there. More importantly, it was at that moment I really felt like my knowledge was being synergised.

What does being a member of the CCLS community mean to you?

Being a member of the CCLS community means that you are surrounded by many bright and aspiring legal practitioners and professors who are well known in their field.

How did your CCLS experiences contribute to your career?

Despite coming from a non-law background, I was fortunate enough to be part of qLegal. Through the legal advisory programme qLegal provides, I have managed to obtain first-hand legal drafting experience. Aside from that, I have also had many opportunities to learn directly from many currently-practicing lawyers through various mentoring programmes and have even represented QMUL in a cross-examination moot. I can confidently say that those experiences will enable me to become a well-rounded commercial lawyer.

Why do you think prospective students should study at CCLS?

What stands out the most to me is the level of expertise. Everyone I have spoken to and all my professors have a great level of knowledge in their respective field. If you are interested in acquiring significant knowledge on complex areas of law and want to build a great career, CCLS is the best place for this.

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