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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Historical Aspects on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Bank of England: a Dichotomy on Supervisory Methodologies

When: Monday, June 17, 2024, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Where: Online

Speaker: Professor Hideki Sato


he London Financial Regulation Seminar is an inter-collegiate and inter-disciplinary group of experts led by CCLS and our Institute of Banking and Finance under the leadership of Professor Rosa M. Lastra and Dr. Daniele D’Alvia.

On Monday 17 June, Prof. Hideki Sato discussed his last book titled “The Dynamics of Banking Supervision: Advances in Europe and Global Challenges” (Maruzen Publishing, Tokyo, 2023). Prof. Rosa M. Lastra was the event chair, and Dr. Daniele D’Alvia was the discussant.

Prof. Hideki Sato is a Professor of International Finance and International Financial History at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Kanazawa University, Japan and an associate staff of the Financial Markets Group, LSE. His major work is on banking supervision based on current and historical aspects. He published his monograph in Japanese titled “The Dynamics of Banking Supervision: Advances in Europe and Global Challenges” in December 2023. He has also co-published a Chapter titled “The Bank of England and the UK Banking Supervision in the mid-1970s to the early 1980s: the relationship between the UK’s and Basel’s Methodologies” in Jean-Luc Mastin and Béatrice Touchelay eds., Des Banques sous surveillance? Pour une histoire du contrôle bancaire depuis le XIXe siècle (Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2023).

Dr. Daniele D’Alvia is a Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law at CCLS – Queen Mary University of London, and an Associate Researcher at the European Banking Institute in Frankfurt. Prior to joining Queen Mary University of London, he was the Ronnie Warrington Scholar in Comparative Law at Birkbeck College, University of London, and he was the Module Convener of Business Law at Bayes Business School, City University of London, former Cass. He is an internationally recognised expert on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, Corporate Finance Law, and Investment Banking Law. A pioneer in SPAC studies in law, authored of the first book on SPACs ever published by Routledge in 2021, and award-winner of the Colin B. Picker Prize by the American Society of Comparative Law.

Professor Hideki Sato claims in his last monograph that banking supervision would be one of the most important policies when it comes to address or mitigate the negative effects of financial crises through financial history. In fact, in terms of swift contagion of the effects, we need to deal with transactional prospective, although banking regulatory issues have been intrinsically understood within a national political view.

Professor Sato tried to illustrate why and how the international harmonisation of banking supervision forged and to expose an idea of the relation between the Basel Committee and the Bank of England. The focal periods are in the 1970s and 1980s. He includes his view on the integration of prudential regulation with the angle of the European Banking Union.

The book is an ideal resource for scholars, policymakers, banking experts, and researchers in banking and finance law studies as well as financial history.

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