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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Dr Apostolos Chronopoulos, LLB (Athens); LLM (Lond); LLM Eur (Munich); Dr jur (Munich)


Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 2948
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields



Dr Apostolos Chronopoulos' SSRN page

  • Judicially Crafted Property Rights in Valuable Intangibles: An Analysis of the INS Doctrine, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2024, 384p
  • Trade Dress Functionality: Complex Trade-Offs Between Competing Economic Considerations, in Glynn S. Lunney, Jr. (ed.) Research Handbook on the Law and Economics of Trademark Law 280-306 (2023)
  • Exceptions to Trade Mark Exhaustion: Inalienability Rules for the Protection of Reputational Economic Value, [2021] 43 European Intellectual Property Review 352-365
  • Reconstructing the Complete Patent Bargain: The Doctrine of Equivalents, [2020] Intellectual Property Quarterly, Issue 2, 138-160.
  • Common Law and Civil Law Approaches to Trademark Exhaustion in Europe: The Distribution Function of Trademarks, in Irene Calboli & Jane C. Ginsburg (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law, 572-588 (Cambridge University Press, 2020)(co-authored with S.M. Maniatis)
  • Strict Liability and Negligence in Copyright Law: Fair Use as Regulation of Activity Levels, 97 Nebraska Law Review 384-468 (2018)
  • De Jure Functionality of Shapes Driven by Technical Considerations in Manufacturing Methods, [2017] Intellectual Property Quarterly, Issue 3, 286-306
  • Property Rights in Brand Image: The Contribution of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal to the Free-Riding Theory of Trade Mark Protection, in EUIPO (ed), 20 years of the Boards of Appeal at EUIPO, Celebrating the Past, Looking Forward to the Future, Liber Amicorum, Alicante, 2017 (co-authored with S.M. Maniatis)
  • Trade Mark Exhaustion and its Interface with EU Competition Law, in I. Calboli & E. Lee (eds), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Exhaustion and Parallel Imports, Elgar, 2016, 343-367 (co-authored with S.M. Maniatis)
  • Goodwill Appropriation as a Distinct Theory of Trademark Liability – A Study on the Misappropriation Rationale in Trademark and Unfair Competition Law, 22:3 Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal 253-310 (2013-2014)
  • Legal and Economic Arguments for the Protection of Advertising Value Through Trademark Law, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Vol. 4, No. 4, 256-276 (2014)
  • Das Markenrecht als Teil der Wettbewerbsordnung, J. Drexl / Hilty, R.M. / G. Schricker / J. Straus (Editors): Schriftenreihe zum gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, München, Carl Heymanns Verlag (390 pp) (2013)
  • Trade Dress Rights as Instruments of Monopolistic Competition: Towards a Rejuvenation of the Misappropriation Doctrine in Unfair Competition Law and a Property Theory of Trademarks 16.1 Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 119-179 (2012)
  • Determining the Scope of Trademark Rights by Recourse to Value Judgements Related to the Effectiveness of Competition – The Demise of the Trademark-Use Requirement and the Functional Analysis of Trademark Law, 42 (Issue 5) International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 535-570 (2011)
  • Patenting Standards: A Case for US Antitrust Law or a Call for Recognizing Immanent Public Policy Limitations to the Exploitation Rights Conferred by the Patent Act? 40 (Issue 7) International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 782-816 (2009).


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