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Clinical Effectiveness Group

CEG at the SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting

Three academic GPs from CEG will present their work at the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) Annual Scientific Meeting, taking place in Brighton on 18-20 July. 

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Dr Milena Marszalek, Dr Michael Naughton and Dr Stuart Rison will address the conference’s theme of ‘informed and inclusive primary care’ through explorations of childhood immunisation equity, potentially inappropriate prescribing, and blood pressure control during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Childhood immunisations 

19 July, Session 3A: Child & Young People’s Health, 4.00-5.00pm

Milena Marszalek: Does a data-enabled Quality Improvement programme improve timeliness and equity of childhood immunisations across North East London?

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20 July, Session 4B: Child & Young People's Health, 11.15am-12.45pm

Milena Marszalek: Are children who receive their first Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR1) vaccination by 24 months more likely to share a household with older non-vaccinated children?

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Potentially inappropriate prescribing 

19 July, Session 2B: Quality in prescribing, 2.00–3.30pm

Michael Naughton: A Cohort Study in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink to explore whether potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) in middle-aged adults is associated with increased healthcare utilisation and mortality.

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Blood pressure control during the Covid-19 pandemic

20 July, Session 7B: e-Poster discussion - Long Term Conditions, 1.00-2.00pm

Stuart Rison: Hypertension in the time of Corona - Whose hypertension did the pandemic most affect in North East London?

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