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Clinical Effectiveness Group

CEG researchers present at the Society for Social Medicine & Population Health 68th Annual Scientific meeting in Glasgow

Researchers from CEG’s Household Health, Child Health and Health Inequalities teams will deliver five oral presentations and three posters throughout the conference from 4-6 September.

Promotional graphic for Society for Social Medicine and Population Health 68th Annual Scientific Meeting

Household health

Nicola Firman and Marta Wilk will showcase analyses using Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) and health records to understand household health in North East London. Join Nicola on Wednesday to discover whether children who move house more often in the first two years of life are less likely to receive the MMR vaccine, which protects them against measles, mumps and rubella. Marta’s poster, presented on Friday, summarises her use of UPRNs to understand whether mental ill health is more common in overcrowded households.

Child health - school food practices

On Friday, Natalia Concha presents methods and headline findings from the Food Improvement Goals in Schools (FIGS) study, which is a qualitative evaluation of the universal free school meals policy in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The study team used interviews, creative methods and observational data to explore the factors influencing perceptions, experiences and resources around food provision in schools. 

Health inequalities

In Wednesday’s Poster Presentation A, Lucy McCann and Ian Holdroyd present an analysis of private healthcare patterns in England, and a review of the impact of primary care funding on health inequalities. Their oral presentations will explore an innovative framework for synthesising equity-focused evidence, and ask whether adjusting the Carr-Hill formula can improve the prediction of clinical need. 

On Friday, Anna Gkiouleka discusses how health care organisations can operate as ‘anchor institutions’ to improve social determinants of health in their local communities. Anna uses four case studies from secondary care, with data gathered through interviews and synthesised using realist methodology that considers how things work in specific contexts.

Where to find us


  • Nicola Firman, Oral Presentation Session 2: 15:00- 17:00 (Nicola presents 16:15-16:35) 'Residential mobility and receipt of measles, mumps and rubella vaccination: analysis of linked primary care electronic health records in a disadvantaged London region.'
  • Lucy McCann, Poster Presentation Session A: 14:00- 15:00. 'The analysis of private healthcare patterns in England: an emerging two-tier system.'
  • Ian Holdroyd, Poster Presentation Session A: 14:00- 15:00. 'The Impact of Primary Care Funding on Health Inequalities - an Umbrella Review.'


  • Lucy McCann, Oral Presentation Session 3: 09:30- 11:30 (Lucy presents 10:45-11:05). 'EQUALS MAP: An innovative framework for the synthesis of equity-focused evidence.'


  • Natalia Concha, Oral Presentation Session 4: 09:00- 11:00 (Natalia presents 09:00-09:20). 'Universal Free School Meals and School Food Environments: Insights from ActEarly's Food Improvement Goals in Schools Study in Tower Hamlets.'
  • Anna Gkiouleka, Oral Presentation Session 4: 09:00- 11:00 (Anna presents 10:15-10:35). 'How can health care organisations improve the social determinants of health for their local communities: Realist informed case studies.'
  • Ian Holdroyd, Oral Presentation Session 4: 09:00- 11:00 (Ian presents 10:40-11:00). 'Does adjusting the Carr-Hill formula, or total GP funding by deprivation data improve the accuracy of predicting clinical need?'
  • Marta Wilk, Poster Presentation Session C: 11:00- 12:00. 'Associations between household overcrowding and adult mental illness in an ethnically diverse urban population: a cross-sectional study using linked primary care and housing records.'

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